Cut the Fat Publishers

Written By: Kim - Jan• 11•11

I love magazines. I could spend a lot of my time simply perusing the magazine displays at the bookstores. I am fascinated by their design, subject matter, the paper choice and yes, even the advertisements. I am blessed to have a job I love in magazine publishing.

I subscribe to five magazines and four newspapers. Both industries have suffered huge financial setbacks over the last decade. Advertising revenue, according to the Pew Project for Excellence in Journalism, has hit rock bottom. Digital, tablet and social media publishing are putting a dent in the traditional print medium and forcing us to rethink how we deliver content. If this shift has occurred, why do many of these magazines still have so many staff? What kind of implosion does it take before we operate with a staff ratio that makes sense?

Business 101 tells me that if my revenue decreases I either have to increase it or cut costs. If current mastheads on magazines are any indication of cutting costs, no wonder the industry is floundering so. It hasn’t learned to publish lean. For example, why does Glamour have 75 editorial staff listed on the February masthead? This number does not even include the advertising, marketing and public relations staff on the following page. This particular issue had 200 pages in it. So, basically, for each page produced, almost one staff member worked on it. Astounding. Ridiculous.

The February issue of Glamour also had “Cover Reads.” Half of these articles were Q&As — the lazy writer’s approach to journalism. Any editor worth her salt won’t allow this many Q&As in one issue. I avoid them in my magazine, and so should you, Glamour staff. Surely you can get your writers to be better wordsmiths. If you want me to read your content, write your content by telling a story.

I serve on a nonprofit board of association magazine publishers — Association Media & Publishing. I learned from a fellow board member that in the publishing world there is a hierarchy: publishers of consumer and business magazines/books, newspaper publishers and association publishers. Apparently, association publishers, a group I have belonged to for some time, are considered bottom dwellers in the publishing world, despite any editorial or design excellence awards we earn. I knew we weren’t famous, but bottom dwellers? Once I got over my shock, I got mad. My response to him: at least we still have a job. Our magazines aren’t folding.

My print publication is not losing ad revenue. In fact, 2010 was the biggest revenue year we have on record. This year is tracking well and we have never lost ad revenue. How many other publishers can brag about that? Name one.

We stay on top of publishing trends. We launched a digital publication in 2007 and an iPad app in 2010. We don’t double bill our members. How many publishers have launched apps and then charged their customers again despite the fact that they already subscribe to the print version? Most of them. This is a sham and should be stopped. This circulation model is outdated.

This is like paying more for something I order online verses purchasing it in a brick and mortar store. Consumers and the business community would crucify retailers if they did this. Yet, in the publishing world, no one blinks an eye.

Association publishers produce award-winning content. We design award-winning covers and spreads. Some of these are the same award contests you enter. We do this with four editorial staff, two advertising staff and a small, local design studio — Bussolati.

Being great at what you do doesn’t mean you have to be top heavy. You find a story and tell it. You deliver relevant content to your audience. You maintain fiscal responsibility by staying lean and working smart. You continue to publish the magazines and newspapers we love.

Mom, This One’s for You

Written By: Kim - Jan• 01•11

New Year’s Resolutions come and go. We’ve all said we would commit but failed somewhere during the year to reach the goal. I have made three resolutions for 2011 which I will discuss this week. Failure is not an option.

Marie Wickline and me, Savannah, GA, 1970

My first resolution is why this blog exists: to write more. When journalism chose me as a profession in college, I discovered a passion that I still love to this day. While editing is how I get paid, writing releases something that I have ignored for quite some time. I need another outlet for my creativity.

Thanks to two former colleagues pushed who me to write an editor in chief blog post when the ACC Docket launches monthly, I have rediscovered why I ended up in this profession. I could easily ignore the first colleague who suggested this, but when the second said the same thing in less than two years, I knew it was time to act. Just like the story about the man on the roof during a flood, God only sent rescuers three times. I wasn’t going to wait for the the third sign.

My Mom used to ask me, as my husband @HowardFactor has done on numerous occasions, when I would write a book. I told them both, “when I have enough to say that fills a book and hasn’t already been said before.” It’s not that I am not interested in writing a book, but I have yet to discover something that I could focus on completely for months, perhaps years, before anything would come of it. I am not suggesting that there are not plenty of interesting topics, but writing a book is not speed dating: You don’t move to another subject when the one you are with is boring. My short-term solution was to create this blog.

This blog will be about a myriad of topics. We are all multi-faceted people with at least 10 God-given talents. Why should my blog focus solely on one? I know that the blogging experts will hang me out to dry on this. But just as my Twitter stream is varied, so should my blog topics be. Many folks believe what they do defines them as a person. What I do for a living is not who I am. Discovering what my 10 talents are is up to me and so is sharing them with my community.

What are you doing with the talents God gave you? So, here’s to 2011 and acting on our resolutions. Carpe Diem.