What I Want in a New Pope

Written By: Kim - Mar• 11•13

The Catholic Church’s cardinals are in conclave. Starting tomorrow, they will begin voting on a new pope. Here’s are three things I want our new pope to seriously consider.

Swiss Guards protect the Vatican and the pope. ©Mike Howard

Swiss Guards protect the Vatican and the pope. ©Mike Howard

1. A true role and voice for women. I understand the Catholic church’s long history of men running the show. But, there are no women in positions of power at the Vatican. There, I said it out loud. My local church still stands and lightening has not struck me (yet). It’s about time that the men who run the Catholic church let the women who comprise a large portion their flock have a direct voice to the pope. There is something inane about a group of celibate, single men telling women how to do things. I am not suggesting that the church drastically change it’s stance on issues overnight. I am simply suggesting that women have a direct voice to the church’s CEO: the pope. When you surround yourself with people just like you, you have limited perspective. I don’t care how holy you are. I am simply asking that you expand your horizons.

2. A voice for abuse victims. Some of you created it. Many of you overlooked it. The church condemned it but only after news agencies caught wind of it. Do not let this happen again. Ever. VIRTUS training is only a starting point. Stop protecting your own and turn them in to the local police. Defrock them once they are found guilty. It’s really pretty simple.

3. Look ahead instead of becoming steeped in tradition. As with any CEO, the board of directors, shareholders and employees expect you to be able to see around corners. Tradition is nice for ceremonies, but that’s about it. Look ahead a decade or two and decide where the Catholic church needs to go.

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