What Kind of Corporate Cheerleader Are You?

Written By: Kim - Jan• 30•11

Since I am one month in to my fitness commitment for 2011, I have noticed that I prefer to take classes over the treadmill. I am not exactly sure why: It could be that the classes are commitment of 55 minutes and to leave early is the walk of shame. Perhaps I find it more interesting learning a new skill: yoga, zumba, fitness bootcamp or cardio mix. Perhaps it’s because the instructor is encouraging me during the class. Cheerleading goes a long way in the battle of the bulge.

For the most part, all of the instructors I have encountered are extremely outgoing and positive people. They welcome the class; ask for beginners, show options and constantly shout out encouragements such as: “you guys are doing great; we’re halfway there; 30 more seconds” and so on. Trust me: for a middle-aged–I-have-not-worked-out-in -15-years Mom, “30 more seconds” can make you feel like you accomplished something or you failed to finish. It’s good to know where you stand.

The cardio mix instructor I took class from this last Saturday was quite busy directing the class (think the old step classes). Whenever she could, she did shout out an encouraging word. But when I compare her to the other instructors, she seemed lacking. Honestly, I don’t think it was her; I just think the nature of the class requires constant direction.

This made me wonder: What kind of corporate cheerleader am I?

  • Am I the kind of boss who offers regular encouragement?
  • Do I let my staff know I value not only the work they do, but their insights and opinions?
  • Do I communicate clearly so my staff understands my expectations so I provide an atmosphere where they will succeed?
  • Do I give them the glory when things go well and do I accept responsibility for their choices if it does not?
  • Does my staff know me well enough to know how I will react and what choice I would make if I am unavailable?
  • Am I the kind of boss that continually encourages the folks in the room or am I too busy giving directions to remember to motivate them along the way?

Think about it. What kind of boss do you want? What kind of corporate cheerleader do you want to be?

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