In the Ritual, I Found Meaning

Written By: Kim - Apr• 24•11

I am Catholic and have been since the day my parents baptized me. As we all know, there is a huge difference between being a church-punching pew attendee and a Christian. I learned at 13 what the difference meant and I will save that experience for another post.

This past week is the holiest of weeks in the Catholic Church. My children are both alter servers and because we were in town for spring break, they were scheduled to serve three times in four days, much to their chagrin. We began our Easter weekend with Holy Thursday. This night begins the most powerful, beautiful time in the liturgical calendar. We celebrate Jesus’ Last Supper with is 12 disciples, one of whom will betray him for 30 pieces of silver. This is also when Jesus washes the feet of his 12 disciples to symbolize humility and service to others.

As I sat in the pew, I found Holy Thursday Mass to be a humbling experience. This Mass is not for the faint of heart: it’s lasts two hours, which is twice as long as a regular Sunday Mass. But the ending bespeaks our search for a higher meaning: The altar is stripped bear leaving no cloth covering the marble slab. The Tabernacle, which normally houses the consecrated hosts (the Body of Christ) is removed and placed for adoration in the small chapel until Easter Vigil on Saturday evening. The red sanctuary light (no jokes here), which is on at all times to symbolize that Christ is at the altar, is snuffed out. The Tabernacle door is left wide open so that we all know that this is the time that Jesus was laying bear his ultimate sacrifice for us. His Passion begins when he is praying in the Garden of Gethsemane and then soon arrested.

We also attended Good Friday Mass. The African American spiritual song, “Where You There When They Crucified My Lord?” is sung by our choir during this mass and always causes me to crack. I cannot escape listening to this song and not use a Kleenex or three. The message is powerful and really allows me to reexamine how deep my faith is. Would I have denied knowing Jesus or would I have followed him to his crucifixion? I certainly hope I would not have been a coward.

As Easter Morning rose with the sun shining, it was a lovely reminder of Jesus rising from the darkness into the light as He ascended into heaven. The Easter season, as our priest at this morning’s mass reminded us, is the time for us (read me) to ask God to show us how to become a better disciple; to serve others with a generous heart.

I am working on it. Are you?

Let the Fat Girl Stand by the Fan

Written By: Kim - Mar• 09•11

Most of you know one of my New Year’s Resolutions was to get healthier and back in to shape. I take Zumba classes three times a week; yoga three times a week and family boot camp once a week. For those of us who are mathematically challenged this equals seven days.

I am understanding the routines. Noticing familiar faces. Actually getting the names straight of my instructors. My efforts are working: I’ve lost six pounds, my recovery time after a workout is less than it used to be and I look a little leaner than before. Best of all: my clothes are fitting better.

The Zumba classes at my local gym are packed. My schedule dictates that I go to the last aerobics class of the night, which starts at 7:45 pm. I see the collective head shaking and the “I can’t go that late to the gym” look on your faces. But this works for me and I have been faithful for almost two and a half months.

© Christa Richert via Stock.xchng

The gym has set up six or seven fans in the aerobics room, which can comfortably fit 40+ people in a class. This class is not for the faint of heart: you will work out; you will sweat; you will move until you are almost exhausted. I generally get to class on time, which means I have the pick of where I stand in the room. I position myself by the fans. I drink a ton of water each day and I sweat. A lot. To top it off, I am experiencing signs of perimenopause. I am not one of those lovely ladies at the gym who look like they stepped off the pages of a fashion magazine. It’s not pretty, so I like to be by the fan.

Since opposites attract, the skinny girls always seem to gravitate toward me. Maybe it’s because I smile or maybe it’s because standing by me makes them look just a little thinner. Whatever the reason, when the fan goes on, they will eventually turn to me and say, “Do you mind if I turn this off?” or “Can I point this in another direction?”

Yes, I mind and hell no you can’t turn the fan in another direction. It takes a lot of effort to move this body and the sweating is not pretty.

Go stand somewhere else and let the fat girl stand by the fan. That’s why I am here.